Friday, June 19, 2020

Nursing management Essay - 3025 Words

Nursing management Essay (Term Paper Sample) Content: Name Professor's Name Course Date Nursing Management Essay Authentic Leadership Leadership is one of the essentials in a work place no matter the kind of work one would consider. It is through leadership that most of the objectives, direction, and decision are made, it is therefore important that the kind of leadership that is being instituted be the best in realizing and achieving goals as well as being a role model to the work team. Organization's performance is a function of the kind of association that is exhibited between the workers and the management. Authentic leadership is one such that will ensure that the people are the above-mentioned achievement. According to Bill George, authentic leadership will be self-driven in serving others using their leadership as the conduit. This kind of leadership is also focused in empowering others so that they can also be in a position of making difference. In this regard, it is proper to construe that they are not megalomaniacs and kleptomaniacs with legendry interest in power, prestige, and money. Authentic leadership also draws their guidance from the mind and the heart- it practices guidance that is heart-based and at the same time hinged on compassion and passion (Hames, 88). Authentic leadership is also thoughtful and demonstrates qualities of the mind and lead with purpose, meaning, and values. Their relationship is strong and genuine and this attracts people to them because they demonstrate consistency, reliability, and strength. Authentic leadership does not compromise on the values that they cherish, even in the most difficult situation that they are pushed to the walls; instead, they are dedicated to learning and personal growth owing to the subscription in this kind of leadership that it takes a lifetime to be a leader. Authentic leadership will demonstrate the following qualities truth, lead from the heart, show rich moral fiber, courageous, create teams and communities, they deepen themselves, dream, care for others, committed to excellence rather than perfection, and leaves legacy (Hames, 93). Emotional Intelligence The ability to make rational assessment, observation, and management of emotions is what is referred to as emotional intelligence. The knowledge of emotional intelligence plays an integral role in understanding how to deal with people. To have emotional intelligence can be looked into four cardinal perspectives; perceiving emotions, understanding emotions, reasoning with emotions and managing emotions. In the perception of the emotion, one should be in a position of making deduction on one's emotion just by observing the body language and the facial expression (Bradberry 54). In this regard, you will be able to know people's feeling without saying a word to them. Identification of the emotion plays a significant role in emotional intelligence and in this reference, one need to be equipped with the ability. Reasoning with emotion on the other hand means making a choice whether it is prudent to engage to the person's emotions or not. In addition to this, one also needs to understand emotions, and it involves conceiving the emotions manifested by people and interpreting them correctly to know what they mean. Lastly, management of the emotions involves taking control of your own emotions so that you can be at non-polarized state when making response to others (Zeidner, Gerald, and Roberts 81). This is the most important factor in emotional intelligence because otherwise you will not be giving appropriate response to the situation. Those with emotional intelligence will demonstrate sobriety even in an intense situation would not be under control for those without the knowledge of emotional intelligence. Healthy Work Environment Authentic leadership coupled with emotional intelligence is necessary precursor in the development of a healthy Work environment. Whether the work environment is healthy or not is directly related to the management of the work place either at the overall management, departmental or at the unit level. A health work environment involve quite a lot of issues that revolves around provision of all the required material for efficient work to be done, encouragement and empowerment of the employees to achieve the objectives through authentic leadership. Involvement of the workers in decision making regarding issues that affects them enables them to make useful contribution that if taken into account, will make it possible to enhance how healthy a work environment is managed. In this doing, they will have a feeling of a sense of belonging as a family in the work place and this is a footing for morale setting. Emotional intelligence is also an important tool in dealing the employees in furthering a healthy working environment. In a work place, it is normal that we deal with people from diverse background that also happen to be facing several challenges daily in their lives, it is important to appreciate this an one who has gained knowledge of emotional intelligence and can understand the emotional requirement of the different employees. Employees work all day and every day during peak period and non-peak period, they are faced with stress throughout and at the same time, they have to work, and report every day, the dynamics of life in this case can present emotional torture that can only be contained through effective therapy by those with the knowledge of emotional intelligence. Authentic leadership in combination with the emotional intelligence provides a perfect opportunity for the development of a healthy work environment given that the two provide a wider scope of understanding that just leadership for results. While the authentic leadership will be serving the people from the heart driven with purpose meaning and values, it will win the employees beliefs given the demonstrated traits (Zuckerman 74). Authentic leaders with encourage diversity, growth, and take initiatives on any issue that is raised by the workers. This interprets than at no point will the grievances of the employees be left unattended to under the leadership of authentic leaders. They will also practice high integrity, trustworthiness, and show wisdom in every step they make with the employees, on the other hand, emotional intelligence will resolve any of the dissatisfaction that may be expressed by the workers and remains genuine. The two factors are the leading essentials in coming up with a healthy work environment that is mindful of every entity. Change Management One of the most inevitable happenings in a business is change, regardless of the size, age and thee industry a business is in, it is bound to have some change so that it can continue providing its services in the most appropriate way. The business environment remains dynamic and businesses must embrace change in one way or the other about how they go about their businesses so that they can thrive, otherwise those businesses that do not want to embrace change will face challenges in surviving. The change concept is a clichÃÆ'Â © to most of the businesses today and the only difference is how they consider and manage change to successfully realize their aim of bringing about change depending on the nature of the business, the change process, and the individuals involved in the change process. Bringing about change in a business therefore is an important aspect as it promotes efficiency in the business and ensures that accountability, work environment, and standards are met. It aims at improving any status identified as not enabling the business advance in the direction of prosperity. The leadership of a business at the managerial position are suppose to identify these requirement at the most opportune time so that businesses can be in a position of making correction early enough to avoid prolonged period of engaging in a system that is unproductive. Lewin's Proposed Change Model Kurt Lewin in 1940s proposed a three-staged system of bringing about change in a business and the proposed system is still used to date amongst the businesses in bringing change in their businesses. He also warned that change should be motivated by a justified reason and must not be done for the purposes of bringing change alone-it may bring unnecessary chaos and turmoil in the business. Before change is introduced into the business, one needs to carefully comprehend the necessity of change in the business. In this regard, the motivation for change must precede change before it can be introduced. The three stages of bringing change as proposed by Lewin have three stages; unfreeze, change, and refreeze (Zuckerman 84). Unfreeze Stage It is important that before change is introduced in a business, the business be prepared of it and to accept that change is needed; this is done by breaking the status quo before coming up with the new structure that will replace the old system. In doing this, one has to clearly give a background message that is compelling and by which others will have to see the sense of change. The message can be on declining sales, dwindling financial reports as shown by the books of account, and issues to do with the dissatisfaction of customers as revealed by the survey. Of vey important significance here is also successfully challenging the core beliefs in which the business operates, this involves issues to do with values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors (Zuckerman 86). These initial stages always face resistance by those who do not want change as it will disturb their comfort but it is necessary for the business to survive. Change Stage It is normal that the unfreeze state of change will come with certain uncertainties that is not understood by the many people, at the change stage, they will acclimatize with the requirements of the change process and start embracing the new ideas by actions and beliefs. It should be noted that the tr...

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