Monday, May 18, 2020

Climate Change The Sciences, the Media, and Politics Essay

The roles of science, the media, and politics greatly influence public opinion and understanding of the world around us. These three spheres of information and action are invariably linked when discussing complex global issues like climate change. However, the presentation and resolution of disagreement within the three spheres is incredibly independent. The many ways that climate change, specifically the debate on the existence of climate change, is portrayed within these spheres can greatly affect public emotion, knowledge, and policy of such an issue. This is particularly evident in the United States (US) (Boykoff Boykoff, 2007). This paper attempts to briefly outline the portrayal and settlement of the debate on the existence of†¦show more content†¦In these statements, scientists also acknowledge the existence of uncertainty in their assertions and theories. That is, they do not dismiss the â€Å"off† chance (or conflicting data) that the statements made may be incorrect. The statements are simply what the scientific community widely holds as â€Å"true† given the amount of data and research we, as humans, currently have. Thus, these conclusions act as resolutions to scientific controversies and are often structured in a way that embodies the large amount of overwhelming data and consensus within the scientific community. The portrayal of scientific issues, such as climate change, in the US media largely disregards the mechanisms used to validate debate in the scientific community. This disregard can be attributed to complex scientific nomenclature in reports, and more importantly, the reliance and continued employment of â€Å"journalistic norms† (Boykoff Boykoff, 2007). Journalistic norms can be described as ways that news is presented. Implementation of journalistic norms by the media on a particular issue may include personalization that magnifies the present-day importance, an authority-order bias tendency to interview authority figures, and a necessity to provide balance and equal weight to two sides of an argument (Boykoff Boykoff, 2007). The aim for balanced reporting and assigning equal weight toShow MoreRelatedEssay on Hungary Economic Crisis1672 Words   |  7 PagesIndependence 5 The Media Law 5 Loophole Legislating 5 Statement of Key Problems 5 Hungary had two major problems, namely: 5 Political Climate 6 A Shift to the Right 6 Governance and Legislation 6 Economic Climate 7 Monetary Policy and Central Bank Independency 7 Crisis taxes, renationalisation of pension, and borrowing 7 Generation and Evaluation of a Range of Alternatives 7 Political climate 7 Economic climate 8 Recommendations 8 Read MoreThe Past Semester A Core Class I Took Was Politics Of Climate Change913 Words   |  4 PagesThe past semester a core class I took was Politics of Climate Change. I’ve learned many new ideas and concepts about climate change. Now that I am educated on the matter and can form my own opinion, I was curious about what the people I surround myself with think about climate change. 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